gjyhaohao 发表于 2014-8-26 14:22:19


提到SEO,百分之九十九的人会想到SEO就是一个搜索引擎排名的活,看起来很单方面的活儿,但被SEOER做的那么不普通,那么SEO就不是一个搜索引擎排名的活了。如果你是某企业的SEOER,那么你就不应该整天做搜索引擎优化,而是做整合营销分析。如果你还停留在搜索引擎排名的外链上,那么建议你感觉放弃外链,把整天发外链的时间,去看看别人的网站是如何做搜索引擎优化的。如果你还停留在SEO内容上,那么你感觉学习一下,如何做软文营销,通过投稿等方式来引流。如果你还停留在单一的网站排名上,那么建议感觉放弃SEO,把时间花费在站内现有流量营销上。http://upload.chinaz.com/2014/0820/1408505055827.jpg搜索引擎并不是单一的排名了,因为现在的搜索引擎不可能在短时间给你一个良好的排名,如果你在3个月中没有有效的给你BOSS带来日IP200+,那么你很可能会被你老板淘汰。如果你没有本事在3个月的时间里把网站做到搜索引擎排名来源流量为200+的话,那么你就试着做推广与营销吧,因为BOSS最想看到的是赚钱,即使没有流量,转化率达标了,BOSS自然也不会多说什么。营销与推广看起来相对搜索引擎排名复杂,其实直接推广与营销更能够提高自己的搜索引擎能力,如果你还是一个新手SEOER,那么你必须要懂得一些基础营销知识,同时你还必须要拥有基本的营销资源。 软件资源什么叫赢在起跑线上,有软件的优势可省去你太多的时间,比如说你在做大数据营销,你有庞大的QQ数据,你却没有时间和精力去管理,而把QQ数据丢空,你不如购买某某大数据软件来管理。又比如说你的网站没天IP为100+,但是就是没有人来咨询。在网络上,用户永远是懒惰的,所以如果你没有主动出击的技能,那么你永远就会输在起跑线上。至于软件的详情,我就不多说了,免费大家认为是广告,你自己认为哪款软件对你的营销有用,你就试着去做吧。  用户资源谈到用户资源,首先我们需要明白,我们的营销对象是哪些人,男的女的?多大年龄?做什么的?或者还需要哪些条件。你试着用你【好友统计视图】来看看你的好友属于哪类人,是否你的产品适合他们。如果是,那么自然是最好不过了,因为你将发出去的任何关于你产品的信息都是他们感兴趣的。如果不是,那么没关系,看看下面吧。有一句话这样说“朋友的朋友是朋友,朋友的敌人也是朋友”所以你不要觉得,你的好友没有价值,你的好友价值可能不是直接体现出来的,而是你好友的好友或者是好友的好友的好友。以此类推,总有那么几个人会是你营销对象,会对你感兴趣。PS:用户资源无非就是两种人,一是对你的产品感兴趣,二是对你产品不感兴趣,面对这两种人我们做出两种不一样方案。  SEO营销思路每次看到别人做推广营销方案都是统一的,而我在运营自己产品的时候,我会把与产品相关的人,和不相关的人进行QQ分类,也就是说,我有两个QQ,一个QQ里面的好友全部是与我产品相关的,另一个是与我们产品无关的,对于这两种人,我做出了不一样的方案。  思路一:直接营销不要问我是如何知道他们是否对我产品是否感兴趣,因为前面已经说到了,我是利用软件进行数据分析做出来的,数据告诉了我,他们是访问了我网站的哪个页面,他们是通过哪个入口进入我的网站,他们访问了我哪个页面多久时间。如果你已经确定了某一个好友是可以直接营销的对象,那么你就不要担心用户是否会跑掉,可对其直接进行空间、微信等营销。当然一般情况下,这种数据相对比较缺少,所以可以试着利用思路二营销。  思路二:不营销为什么说不营销呢,因为你的第二种人不是你的客户,对你产品没有兴趣,如果你还进行空间、微信等营销的话,那会直接导致好友数越来越少,虽然他们不是你客户,但可以称得上他们是你的用户,所以我们没有必要把这些用户一步一步逼到拉黑我们。最好的办法就是不对其营销,当然不对其营销也不代表不做任何操作。  先分析对于这种用户比较杂乱、不统一的情况,我们需要进行分析分类,然后做不同的方式互动。 对于你产品我相信你完全可以找到适合你产品的人群。好吧,那么我们就按照职业、年龄、性别来进行大概分类。分出结果后,无非就是两种,适合你产品的人群与不适合你产品的人群。得出结果适合你产品的人群但对你产品不感兴趣与不适合你产品的人群对也对你产品不感兴趣的人。  再推广我说的推广,并不是推广你产品,而是推广你的QQ号码。直接与对你产品不感兴趣的人群推广你的产品,得到的结果只有一个,那就是拉黑你。那么利用热门话题或他们可能感兴趣的话题来推广你的QQ吧!下面是我在互联网找到的一些关于兴趣方面的资料。20~30男:对女人感兴趣 女:对男人感兴趣,对化妆品和衣服感兴趣30~40:男女都对自己的工作、房子、车子、孩子感兴趣40~50:女:对孩子和老公感兴趣,对别人家的事情感兴趣。对自己将来退休养老的事情比较关心 男:对投资感兴趣(穷光蛋出外,^_^)对漂亮女人感兴趣50以上:更年期了,对啥都感兴趣,对啥都不感兴趣。总结:营销其实就是那么简单,能直接营销的就直接营销,不能直接营销,尽量不要把用户做死了。

N5BUBCOEMS7 发表于 2014-9-2 08:42:29

running activity

how running only scientific medical experts pointed out: jogging is the best means to stay healthy, the key is that it can effectively improve the movement of oxygen, oxygen capacity jogging meditation and more than 8-12 times. In recent years, scientific research has proven possible to increase the blood flow running, to improve the ability of blood to transport oxygen; pulmonary running can enhance the ability to improve lung capacity and oxygen inhalation; running can improve cardiac function and prevent the occurrence of heart disease , myocardial become sturdy, improve myocardial blood supply; jogging can increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

So, how running is the most scientific? A safe and effective exercise prescription should include four parts, namely preparatory activities, running activity, strength training and organize activities. 1, the preparatory activities: usually takes 5-10 minutes, you can start jogging 2-4 minutes, then a few sections of the body flexibility exercises can also be a brisk walk and do some stretching exercises with a combination of activities. Relatively safe and effective way to flexibility exercises sitting on the floor or lying on the mat for static stretching activities. 2, running activities: This section is the core content, quality and quantity must be guaranteed. The so-called "quality" is the exercise of the heart rate to achieve "effective heart rate range" (ie, 60-85% maximum heart rate), a simple calculation by subtracting the remainder of his age, is the movement parameters should be used 180 (or 170) The heart rate reached. The so-called "quantity" is performed every 20-30 minutes running exercise (walking or running alternately), weekly exercise best 3-5 times. 3, muscle exercises: This is mainly for some jogging movement are not fully exercise the muscles, mainly muscles and limbs, waist and abdomen muscles. Do freehand or weight-bearing strength training

learning, such as push-ups, chin-ups, sit-ups, prone to come forward and weightlifting. Finally, do a few minutes of relaxation of flexibility exercises. 4, finishing activities: After 20-30 minutes of endurance exercise, not a sudden stop or sit down, lie down, because the muscle suddenly stops Games impede blood flow back to the heart, causing brain ischemia, exercisers will feel dizzy, or even lose consciousness. The correct approach is to slow down, to continue to run and walk 3-5 minutes, while doing arm relaxation activities, so that the heart rate slow down. Of course, in the running should also note the following: beginners to do a physical examination, it is best to do a ECG exercise test, in order to understand their heart condition; pay attention to gradual, exercise start small and gradually increase the exercise time and exercise strength; bad weather (hot, cold, rainy slippery) are not suitable for outdoor running, jogging in place the conditions can be indoors on a treadmill or exercise; suffering from arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, asthma, hematuria and sciatica other diseases, should be suspended running, such as her condition improved after doctors agreed before exercise.

So now you talk about how science and running it at night? A slight fatigue just resting sports medicine has proven just up in the morning, running various organs of the body is still at a low level, this time to exercise, cardiovascular function more vulnerable people who are more dangerous. The body's activity was fully developed in the evening, this time running,

HONGTIAN 发表于 2014-9-29 10:24:29


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